Who is redefining innovation?

Discover the exceptional innovators creating their own paths to success.

Download the 2024 report

The 1% of the 1%.

The Top 100 Global Innovators are above 99.99% of all other innovators globally. They exemplify excellence.

Those that earn a rank are the companies and research institutions that invest in innovation with force and consistency. They have gone further. Their work bleeds across disciplines and industries, shaping the direction to come.

Here are the organizations and entities we recognize as the
Top 100 Global Innovators™ 2024.

Please note that companies are listed in alphabetical order by default.
Innovator Region/Country Industry Recognition
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation Japan Telecommunications
x Winner
Nissan Japan Automotive
x Winner
Nitto Denko Japan Chemicals and materials
x Winner
Nokia Finland Telecommunications
x Winner
NortonLifeLock United States Software, media, fintech
x Winner
Novartis Switzerland Pharmaceuticals
x Winner
NTT Japan Telecommunications
x Winner
NXP Semiconductors Netherlands Semiconductors
x Winner
Olympus Japan Electronics and computing equipment
x Winner
Omron Japan Electronics and computing equipment
x Winner
Oracle United States Software, media, fintech
x Winner
Otis United States Industrial systems
x Winner
Panasonic Japan Electronics and computing equipment
x Winner

More on Top 100 Global Innovators 2024

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