Web of Science March 14, 2024, Release Notes

Citation Performance Metrics from InCites Benchmarking & Analytics displayed in WoS Core Collection; Advanced Search by “Early Access Year”; update to recent changes regarding “Early Access” document type; preview the new Web of Science Help File.

Normalized Citation performance metrics from InCites Benchmarking & Analytics displayed in Web of Science

The March 14 Web of Science release will include will a tighter integration with InCites Benchmarking & Analytics to show Category Normalized Citation Indicators (CNCI), Journal Normalized Citation Indicators (JCNI), and Percentile in Category at the item level in Web of Science Core Collection. This integration will provide additional context around citation performance so that users of the Web of Science can see how an article’s citation count compares to normalized peer publications. Both InCites B&A subscribers and institutions that do not subscribe to InCites B&A will have access to the “Citation comparison metrics panel” from WoS Core Collection Records. However, there will be different level of data displayed in the overlay for subscribers vs. non-subscribers.

All Web of Science users will see the “Open comparison metrics panel” for all WOS Core Collection records from 1980 forward.

InCites B&A subscriber view

When InCites subscribers open the ‘comparison metrics panel’ they will see a full complement of citation performance metrics for each article, including CNCI, JNCI and Percentile in Category.

InCites B&A non-subscriber view

Users at sites that do not subscribe to InCites B&A will also see the link to the comparison metrics panel on the WoS Core Collection full record, however, the overlay will not include a full complement of article-level citation performance metrics. Users will see whether an item’s citation performance is above or below average vs. peer items from the journal or category where it was published, but the full complement of metrics will not be displayed.

For additional information on normalized citation metrics from InCites Benchmarking & Analytics, please see the InCites help file.

Advanced search by “Early Access Year”

In “Advanced search” in the Web of Science Core Collection, users will now be able to search using the EAY= field tag so that they can limit their search results to only items that have a particular “Early Access Year”. A search for “EAY=2022” will find only those items that were ‘published early access’ in 2022.

Update regarding to recent changes regarding “Early Access” document type

Alongside the changes in the release that allow users find all items that were ‘published early access’ within a given year, we are rolling back an earlier change that made the “Early Access” document type persistent. You can find a description of these changes here. Now, when an item has a ‘final publication date’ (and other final publication details, like issue and volume) we will remove the document type “Early Access” from the record. This means when you use the Quick Filter to refine for early “Early Access,” you will find only items that are currently Early Access without a ‘final publication year’.

New WoS Help File – preview release

Over the next few weeks, we will be releasing a new version of the Web of Science help file. You can preview the new help file here. Please provide us feedback using the Web of Science feedback form.


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