Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis – Current Treatment – Treatment Algorithms: Claims Data Analysis – Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (US)

Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a kidney disease in which scarring occurs to the glomeruli. Patients with FSGS typically present with nephrotic syndrome, involving edema and proteinuria, but they may also have hypertension, microscopic hematuria, and renal insufficiency at the time of presentation. Owing to FSGS’s various etiologies and differences in presentation, management of the disease must be individualized. RAAS inhibitors are often initiated to reduce proteinuria, and diuretics are commonly used to treat symptoms. Corticosteroid and immunosuppressive therapies are also considered in FSGS associated with clinical features of the nephrotic syndrome.

Questions answered

  • What patient shares do key therapies garner by line of therapy in newly diagnosed FSGS patients? What are the quarterly trends in prescribing among recently treated and newly diagnosed FSGS patients?
  • How are corticosteroids integrated into the treatment algorithm, and what is their source of business?
  • What percentage of FSGS patients receive drug therapy within one year of diagnosis, and how quickly? What percentage of patients progress to later lines of therapy within one year of diagnosis?
  • What percentage of FSGS patients are treated with monotherapy versus combination therapy? What are the most commonly used combinations?
  • What are the product-level compliance and persistency rates among drug-treated patients?

Markets covered: United States.

Key drugs: alkylating agents, corticosteroids, diuretics, RAAS inhibitors.

Product description

Treatment Algorithms: Claims Data Analysis provides detailed, quantitative analysis of the treatment journey and brand usage across lines of therapy and overall using real-world, patient-level claims data so that marketers can accurately assess their source of business, benchmark usage against competitors, and quantify areas of opportunity for their marketed or emerging brand.

Key feature

Dashboard featuring interactive visuals, easy navigation, and expanded analyses

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