Dyslipidemia – Current Treatment – Treatment Algorithms: Claims Data Analysis – Dyslipidemia (US)

Dyslipidemia, characterized by abnormal lipid levels, plays a pivotal role in the development of cardiovascular (CV) disease. To address this risk factor, physicians use a range of lipid-modifying therapies, including statins, ezetimibe, fibrates, omega-3 fatty acid compounds, and PCSK9 inhibitors. Statins stand out because of their favorable risk-benefit profile and robust evidence supporting their efficacy in reducing CV morbidity and mortality. However, the landscape of dyslipidemia treatment extends beyond statins. Numerous later-line therapies, each backed by varying degrees of supportive data, vie for prominence in the market. These alternatives offer additional options for managing lipid levels and optimizing CV risk reduction. Using longitudinal claims data analysis, we demonstrate how newly diagnosed and recently treated dyslipidemia patients are treated in the United States.

Questions answered

  • What patient shares do key therapies and brands garner by line of therapy in newly diagnosed dyslipidemia patients? What are the quarterly trends in prescribing among recently treated and newly diagnosed dyslipidemia patients?
  • How have PCSK9 inhibitors (Praluent, Repatha, and Leqvio) been integrated into the treatment algorithm, and what are their source of business?
  • What percentage of dyslipidemia patients receive drug therapy within one year of diagnosis, and how quickly? What percentage of patients progress to later lines of therapy within two years of diagnosis?
  • What percentage of dyslipidemia patients are treated with monotherapy vs. combination therapy? What are the most commonly used combinations?
  • What are the product-level compliance and persistency rates among drug-treated patients?

Markets covered: United States

Key companies: Amarin, Esperion Therapeutics, Amgen, Novartis, Regeneron, Merck & Co., Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Kowa Pharmaceuticals, Medicure Pharmaceuticals

Key drugs: Nexletol, Nexlizet, Vascepa, Repatha, Praluent, Leqvio, statins, fibrates, cholesterol absorption inhibitors.

Product description

Treatment Algorithms: Claims Data Analysis provides detailed, quantitative analysis of the treatment journey and brand usage across lines of therapy and overall using real-world, patient-level claims data so that marketers can accurately assess their source of business, benchmark usage against competitors, and quantify areas of opportunity for their marketed or emerging brand.

Key feature

Dashboard featuring interactive visuals, easy navigation, and expanded analyses

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