Urticaria – Current Treatment – Treatment Algorithms: Claims Data Analysis – Chronic Inducible Urticaria (US)

Chronic inducible urticaria (CIndU) encompasses various chronic urticaria subtypes caused by specific triggers. CIndU seems to be more resistant than chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) to standard doses of antihistamines, although claims data analysis reveals positive uptake trends among some first- and second-generation antihistamines. Vistaril (hydroxyzine) and montelukast are also key drugs in the CIndU therapy market and are often used in combination therapy, despite the removal of leukotriene receptor antagonists (i.e., montelukast) from current treatment guidelines. Although no biologics have been approved for CIndU, certain biologics (e.g., TNF inhibitors, Roche / Novartis’s Xolair, Sanofi / Regeneron’s Dupixent) are used off-label for this indication, mainly as later-line therapy. Thus, more-effective drugs targeting CIndU have good potential for uptake.

Questions answered

  • What patient shares do key therapies and brands garner by line of therapy in newly diagnosed CIndU patients? What are the quarterly trends in prescribing among recently treated and newly diagnosed CIndU patients?
  • How have antihistamines, Xolair, TNF inhibitors, and Dupixent been integrated into the treatment algorithm, and what are their sources of business?
  • What percentage of CIndU patients receive drug therapy within one year of diagnosis, and how quickly? What percentage of patients progress to later lines of therapy within one year of diagnosis?
  • What percentage of CIndU patients are treated with monotherapy vs. combination therapy? What are the most commonly used combinations?
  • What are the product-level compliance and persistency rates among drug-treated patients?

Product description

Treatment Algorithms: Claims Data Analysis provides detailed, quantitative analysis of the treatment journey and brand usage across lines of therapy and overall using real-world, patient-level claims data so that marketers can accurately assess their source of business, benchmark usage against competitors, and quantify areas of opportunity for their marketed or emerging brand.

Markets covered: United States

Key companies: Roche / Novartis, Sanofi / Regeneron, AbbVie, Amgen, Samsung Bioepis, Merck, Sandoz

Key drugs: Allegra, Zyrtec, Xolair, Benadryl, montelukast, Vistaril, Silenor, Humira, Dupixent, Remicade

Key analysis provided: Brand / therapy usage across longitudinal patient sample, newly diagnosed patient analysis, treatment initiation and progression, line of therapy analysis, combination therapy analysis, source of business for recently treated patients, persistency and compliance analysis, product-level patient flowcharts

Key feature: Dashboard featuring interactive visuals, easy navigation, and expanded analyses

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