Small-Joint Reconstructive Implants – Market Insights – Latin America

The Latin American small-joint reconstructive implant market is significantly underpenetrated when compared to the US and European markets, providing ample room for expansion. The adoption of small-joint reconstructive implants is rising due to favorable clinical results, demographics, and an expanding pool of trained surgeons. The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant short-term negative impact on the Latin American small-joint reconstructive implant market. Strong growth in 2021 and 2022 was driven by the recovery of procedures deferred due to the pandemic, and growth is expected to return to pre-pandemic levels by 2024. The market will experience moderate growth through the forecast period, driven by strong growth in certain subsegments, such as shoulder and total ankle arthroplasty.

This Medtech 360 Report provides comprehensive data and analysis on the state of the Latin American market for small-joint reconstructive implants from 2019 through 2032.

The COVID-19 pandemic recovery has been strong in the Latin American small-joint reconstructive implant market.

Which geographies experienced the largest impact of the pandemic?

How the market is recovering and when the growth patterns will return to prepandemic levels?

The shoulder and ankle arthroplasty segments exhibited strong growth in 2022.

What factors are driving procedure volume and revenue growth in these segments?

Which companies lead these segments, and on what innovations they are focusing?

Which geographies will exhibit the fastest growth in these segments?

Large competitors have solidified market shares.

How are the leading competitors leveraging their positions in the market to maintain their market shares?

What strategies can smaller competitors use to gain market share?

Which product segments should competitors focus on for growth opportunities?

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