6 reasons to entrust Clarivate with your IP recordals

In the dynamic landscape of intellectual property (IP), maintaining accurate and up-to-date records is vital. In this blog post, we explore the primary types of recordal changes and share six reasons why partnering with Clarivate™ as your IP recordal partner can streamline the process.

Recording changes in ownership details in a timely manner is critical to protect the ongoing validity and enforceability of IP.

Types of Recordal Changes

Managing IP involves various types of recordal changes, each with its own set of complexities. The most common changes include:

  • Assignments: Transfer or sale of IP assets
  • Mergers: Integration of IP-owning entities
  • Change of Registered Company Name: Updating the company’s name in official IP records
  • Change of Registered Company Address: Ensuring the company’s address is current in IP documentation
  • Change of Legal Entity Type: Modifying the legal status of the IP-owning entity

IP Recordals: A vital yet tedious task

In the fast-paced world of intellectual property, keeping your records up to date is crucial. Changes in ownership details must be promptly recorded to maintain the validity and enforceability of your IP rights. However, processing the paperwork required for these recordals can be complex and tedious.
With Clarivate, you can trust our skilled Recordals team to manage the end-to-end project for you, helping to ensure your patents and trademarks are always protected.

Why work with Clarivate as your IP Recordal partner?

  1. Reduce administrative burden
    Recordal projects can be time-consuming and complex, often taking months or even years to complete. By outsourcing to Clarivate, you can free up your internal resources to focus on driving innovation rather than processing paperwork. Our team of experts will handle the intricate details for you, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.
  2. Lower costs
    As the largest player in the IP services market, Clarivate leverages significant economies of scale to reduce costs. We pass these savings directly to our clients, offering competitive pricing without compromising on quality.
  3. Global Agent Network
    Our extensive agent network spans the globe, providing access to local IP experts from Albania to Zambia and everywhere in between. This ensures that no matter where your IP is located, we have the local expertise to manage your recordals efficiently and effectively.
  4. Accurate budgeting
    Clarivate provides all-inclusive quotes that accurately capture the costs associated with each recordal project. This means you won’t be surprised by unexpected additional charges, allowing you to budget with confidence.
  5. Long-Standing experience
    With over 20 years of experience, the Clarivate Recordals team is well-equipped to manage projects of any size. Our team of 60+ professionals has handled projects ranging from a single IP asset to those involving 100,000 IP assets, bringing a wealth of skills and experience to every project.
  6. Knowledge and expertise
    Our extensive track record means we understand every requirement for every change type in every country. Clients benefit from full access to our comprehensive document library of deeds and power templates for all jurisdictions, ensuring that every detail is covered.

Partner with Clarivate

When it comes to managing your IP recordals, trust the experts at Clarivate. Our comprehensive services, global reach and unparalleled expertise make us the ideal partner to help you navigate the complexities of IP management. By outsourcing your recordal projects to us, you can ensure that your IP rights remain valid and enforceable, allowing you to focus on what you do best: innovating and growing your business.

Contact us today to learn more about how Clarivate can support your IP recordal needs and help you protect your valuable IP assets.

“Leveraging over 20 years of expertise, we are uniquely placed to handle your Recordal needs, regardless of the size, complexity or global footprint of your IP portfolio. Managing Recordal changes in-house can be burdensome and complex, consuming valuable time from your IP professionals. Let us help you focus on what you do best; innovating and growing your business”.

Andrew Proctor, Vice President and product head of Clarivate IP Recordals business