Release notes - February 25, 2021

Author Impact Beamplots, INSPEC, RIS export and more ...

Web of Science Author Impact Beamplots

Web of Science Author Impact Beamplots are a brand-new visualization on every Web of Science Author Record. They show the citation performance of an author’s entire publication list in a single view and show more context than a single metric like a citation count or h-index can provide.

Each dot on the beamplot represents a publication and its position corresponds to its year of publication and its normalized citation percentile score (0-100). A score of 90 means that paper is among the top 10% most cited publications of the same year, publication type (article or review) and subject area (e.g., applied physics). A score over 50 indicates above average citation performance.

Unlike single point metrics, Author Impact Beamplots help you:

  • understand the narrative behind citation performance,
  • see performance change over time, and
  • make more informed decisions about research impact and evaluation.

An Author Impact Beamplot is available on every Core Collection Author Record that contains publications of type article or review which have been published after 1980. Articles and reviews published in the current and previous year are excluded because they have not yet had time to accrue representative citation counts and may fluctuate. Search for author records using the Authors tab when Web of Science Core Collection is selected, or click any author name in a Core Collection document.

On every Author Record we display a summary beamplot and a full beamplot. The summary beamplot – in the metrics panel – shows the highest, lowest and overall median percentile value. Click ‘View full beamplot’ or on the ‘Author Impact Beamplot’ tab to view the full beamplot. Hover over the elements of the beamplot to see article, citation, and percentile information and click through to see the full record.

Read more about Author Impact Beamplots in our white paper.

Inspec now available on new Web of Science

Inspec, the indexing database of scientific and technical literature, published by the Institution of Engineering and Technology, has now been migrated to the new Web of Science and is available for feedback by subscribers. This comprehensive index includes global journal and proceedings literature in physics, electrical/electronic engineering, computing, control engineering, mechanical engineering, production and manufacturing engineering, and information technology.

Export to RIS bibliographic format now available on new Web of Science

As part of our continuous effort to provide useful export features, we are adding RIS export to the Web of Science Core Collection. This format is supported by many bibliographic management tools.

Other updates

OpenURL full-text links support holdings files

If your organization has shared a list of subscribed content that you can access, then the Web of Science will display your library’s branded full-text icon only when the requested content matches your organizations’ entitlements. These links will appear on both the search results and the article page. Please note this functionality is only available for subscribing organizations that have configured their link resolver which uses OpenURL protocols and have provided a list of books and journals to which they subscribe (i.e., a holdings file).

Author field search suggestions

When searching the Web of Science Core Collection author field, you will get author names suggestions based on your input.

Search and refine by publisher (unified names)

When searching the Web of Science Core Collection, in addition of be able to refine your results by the Publisher, you can now also search by this field. We also improve our data and removed the publisher’s name variations to bring consistency to the results.

Web of Science categories suggestions

When searching the Web of Science categories field, you will get categories suggestions based on your input.

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