Taking the Pulse Europe 2015 – General Practice/Family Medicine (GP-FM) Segmentation (without comparison)

Taking the Pulse® Europe is a study and strategic advisory service focused on helping pharma companies understand how EU5 General Practice/Family Medicine (GP-FM) learn about prescription treatments and interact with manufacturers, assess their content and service preferences, and optimize cross-channel touch points such as websites, apps, tablet reps and online promotion.

Questions answered in this report:

  • Technology and device profile 2015. How are physicians in the EU using multiple devices and multichannel resources throughout the workday?
  • Information seeking behaviors. What role do pharma and non-pharma resources have throughout the workday? How can pharma develop effective partnerships to increase the reach and influence of their digital properties?
  • Mobile information seeking behaviors. What unmet needs exist for physicians when searching for information on their mobile phone? How can pharma help to enhance a physicians mobile experience?
  • Best practices for tablet-reps. How can we optimize tablet rep meetings?
  • Value added services and the future of pharma. How can pharma’s digital assets better provide value to physicians? What resources are physicians interested in when using pharma websites?