Taking the Pulse | Caribbean | 2021

Taking the Pulse®: Multichannel Engagement 2021our headliner physician studyexplores physicians’ multichannel attitudes, perceptions and behaviors with layered analysis of actionable recommendations on how to message, engage, and optimize communication initiatives. 

Key topics & research questions

  1. COVID-19 pandemic impact across physicians’ workday –The biggest shifts and trends in physicians working environment, physicians adoption to remote touchpoints from in-person engagements. Highly impacted topic areas due to the pandemic mitigation measures: interactions with pharma sales reps, patient care, medical education/ conference attendance.
  2. Physicians’ working environment  Top public health issues physicians are seeing, (e.g., delayed patient care, mental health, etc.,), Impact on in-person professional activities as a result of COVID-19 pandemic, Shifts in physicians time allocation for seeing patients, using EHRs, digital resources
  3. Rep engagement – Frequency with pharma rep engagement in-person vs. remote; Influence on clinical decisions, different modes of remote communication with pharma reps and satisfaction, number and length of monthly rep meetings, Unmet content information gaps to focus via in-person vs. remote
  4. Professional conferences- Number of yearly conferences attended before, during the pandemic and expected number after COVID-19 mitigation measures end (in person vs. online), Preferred way to attend conferences and interest in pharma sponsored online conferences (trending). Information received during conferences and how has experience changed to receive needed information because of the pandemic? Satisfaction with online conferences and unmet needs of features during online events
  5. Patient care: Telehealth, remote patient monitoring adoption; % of in-person vs. remote patient consults, Other remote communication modes used, Resources to share with patients after virtual consults, Digital tools recommendation to patients, Factors influencing prescribing behavior and treatment decisions
  6. Multichannel engagement – Physicians use of offline and online professional information sources, Channel impact – adoption and frequency and channel influence on clinical decisions, Content needs across digital channels , Website perceptions, Physician reliance on pharma vs. independent sources for different types of content resources, Engagement with sponsored content; Top content driving HCPs to pharma websites, Top pharma brands providing resources for product info, practice support and patient resources