Aortic Repair Devices – Market Insights – Latin America (Supplemental)

The Latin American aortic repair device market is expected to expand modestly over the forecast period. Market growth will be supported by the launch and increasing adoption of new devices that allow the endovascular treatment of more complex aneurysms. The market contribution of aortic stent grafts to the overall aortic repair device market will further increase in the following years, particularly for TAA and TAAA, as more branched and hybrid grafts become available. However, cost constraints faced by Latin American healthcare system and ASP erosion of higher-priced aortic stent grafts will limit the pace of the market growth to some extent

This Medtech 360 Report provides high-level market metrics for aortic repair devices in Latin America, including country-level data for major countries and aggregate data for the rest from 2019 through 2032.

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