Large-Joint Reconstructive Implants – Market Insights – Latin America (Supplemental)

COVID-19–related delays to hip and knee replacement procedures negatively impacted the Latin American large-joint reconstructive implant market in 2020 into 2021; however, the market saw strong year-over-year growth in 2021 overall, largely attributable to the rescheduling of procedures that were deferred in 2020. Following the short-term impact of the pandemic, the market will see long-term growth, driven by the uptake of novel technologies such as patient-conforming and 3-D printed implants, smart implants, robotic- and navigation-assisted surgeries, and minimally invasive techniques, although downward pricing pressures driven by growing outpatient joint replacement volumes and economic constraints will limit overall revenue potential to some degree.

This Medtech 360 Report provides high-level market metrics for large-joint reconstructive implants in Latin America, including country-level data for major countries and aggregate data for the rest of the Latin America from 2019 through 2032.

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