Urological Devices – Market Insights – Asia Pacific

Driven by product awareness, rising kidney stone prevalence, and an aging population, the Asia Pacific urological device market will grow at a modest rate through 2032, despite the short-term negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Going forward, favorable demographic trends, an increasing prevalence of obesity, adoption of premium devices, and the growing availability of less invasive treatment options will support urology procedure volume growth. Moreover, rising use of minimally invasive laser treatments in China and India, where these techniques have been underpenetrated, will result in increased adoption of associated devices.

This Medtech 360 Report provides comprehensive data and analysis on the state of the Asia Pacific urological device market from 2019 through 2032.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the urological device market.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the different segments of the urological device market?

At what pace are urological device market segments recovering?

Some market segments are being negatively impacted by product safety concerns.

Which market segments are being impacted by safety concerns?

In which countries are these markets highly affected by these concerns, and in which countries are these markets less affected?

Minimally invasive treatment volumes will significantly increase over the forecast period in the Asia Pacific urological device market.

What factors are contributing to the increasing use of minimally invasive treatments?

Which market segments will see the greatest adoption of minimally invasive treatments?

The rising adoption of flexible endoscopy in this market will spur growth in multiple device segments.

Which flexible endoscopes see a raise in their sales, and what are the reasons for it?

How will the stone management device market be impacted by growth in flexible endoscope use?

Will any markets be negatively impacted by the growing use of flexible endoscopy?

Premium devices and their adoption will influence market trends.

Which markets are going to be affected by preference for premium variants of devices?

What circumstances hinder the uptake of premium devices in the Asia Pacific region?

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