
Trademark filing and litigation trends 2024

How data can drive your forward-thinking strategy

Trademark data is a valuable source of information. In addition to being a legal record that is vital for the protection of brands and clearing new brands for use and registration, this data can provide insight into commercial activity.

Like a passport or a driver’s license, each individual trademark record contains essential information such as dates and owner details. Beyond this, trademark records also include market location, industry (Nice Class), and commercial footprint (goods and services specification). When examined in aggregate, trademark filing data from an entire country over a period of time can reveal trends, localized behavior and significant opportunities.

Looking at trademark data from 2023 compared to prior years, this report reviews six of the key trademark registers from around the world – the United States, the European Union Intellectual Property Office, the United Kingdom, Mainland China, Japan, South Korea – and explains what the data reveals.

Trademark filing and litigation trends 2024