InCites benchmarking & Analytics™

Measure your success. Multiply your impact.

Our flexible research evaluation tool helps you easily analyze trusted data from the Web of Science Core Collection™ to make confident decisions about your research programs. Get the evidence you need to inform strategic planning, benchmark against peers, demonstrate funding outcomes and optimize collaborations.

  • Assess research and researchers to understand impact and establish strategies for the future.
  • Analyze past awarded grants to inform strategic proposal development for new funding.
  • Identify top contributors in relevant research areas to build expert teams and strategic partnerships.
  • Demonstrate your contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals.

“InCites can tell you about the impact of a researcher’s work in a way that other databases can’t.”

Laurel Crawford, Manager Collections Strategies, Johns Hopkins University

Using trusted data to inform strategic direction

Learn how the University of Lille and University Hospital use InCites to generate data-driven analyses and reports to inform strategic planning, secure funding, set the university up for success in rankings and more.

Read the case study