
The effect of regional nuances on the similarity of trademark goods and services globally

Are cosmetics considered similar to packs of gourmet chocolates? Should golf shoes be regarded in the same class as golf clubs or are they different? The answer may depend on where in the world you plan to file your trademark application.

The decision of which goods and services class to file in has become increasingly important. The dramatic growth of trademark registrations globally has increased the likelihood of potential conflicts. The threat of goods and services being assessed similar to those of earlier registered trademarks must be carefully considered when filing a new trademark application.

As a leader in global trademark research, Clarivate™ sought to test an intriguing hypothesis: Cultural differences among jurisdictions influence the relative weight given to specific factors in determining goods and services similarity.

With over 6.5 million cases to analyze, the results may surprise you! Download our latest report for insights to inform global trademark filing strategies.