First time Journal Citation Reports inclusion list 2023

Journal Citation ReportsTM (JCRTM ) provides publisher-neutral journal intelligence through a rich array of transparent data and metrics, including the Journal Impact FactorTM (JIFTM ).

The 2023 release of Journal Citation Reports extends the Journal Impact Factor (JIF) to all Web of Science Core Collection™ journals, including those indexed in the Arts and Humanities Citation IndexTM (AHCI) and the multidisciplinary Emerging Sources Citation IndexTM (ESCI). Expanding the JIF to all Web of Science Core Collection journals means that over 9,000 journals, from more than 3,000 publishers – many of which are smaller publishers from the developing world – are included for the first time.

The following downloadable file contains a list of the 9,136 journals that have a JIF for the first time this year.



Visit the Master Journal List to see all journals included in the 2023 Journal Citation Reports Release.

If you have access to JCR through your institution’s subscription, you can view a rich array of indicators to understand how each journal connects to the scholarly network.

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