Podcast episode

$1B+ biopharma deals keep values afloat, even amid muted volume

Bioworld Insider

Episode description

BioWorld writers bring you the details of new R&D alliances, financings, IPOs and M&A every day. These stories are the heartbeat of the relationships between industry giants and their smaller, more innovative peers. But what’s the top-line read for dealmaking these days? With nearly 1,000 biopharma deals completed through early August amid a volatile economic climate, there’s a lot to talk about. Join the BioWorld Insider podcast as we talk with Senior Analyst Karen Carey, whose data-driven research delivers a detailed picture of the ups and downs. For starters, the sector has seen sharp declines this year in stocks and less money being raised. “What we are seeing seems to be a correction of the intense enthusiasm – the zeal for biopharma during 2020 and 2021 when nobody knew what was going on with COVID,” Carey said.