Clarivate Top 100 Global Innovators 2021 Guidance for PR and communications departments

Sofia Nogues
External Communications Manager

On February 23, 2021, Clarivate will reveal its annual list of Top 100 Global Innovators, curated by our team of analysts at Derwent™.

Since 2012, our list has identified global innovators and celebrated companies and research institutions at the very top of the global innovation ecosystem. Using the same methodology every year, we measure the patented ideas of over 14,000 entities for their levels of investment, impact and quality. Companies eagerly anticipate the launch of the Top 100 Global Innovators each year and celebrate the inclusion in the list.

Join the Clarivate global communications team to discover:

  • What it means to be a Top 100 Global Innovator – and why it matters to your company
  • What new creative and written promotional materials are available to companies and its PR departments in 2021
  • Case studies: How did companies across the globe promote their Top 100 Global Innovators’ success in 2020?