Clinical Trials

Comprehensive data for prospective and retrospective clinical trials

Manually curated information on worldwide clinical trials from 19 major trial registries covering drugs, biologics, devices and biomarkers as well as press releases, conference abstracts and reports.

Optimize your clinical trials

  1. Stay up to date on current clinical trial outcomes and adverse event information
  2. Perform cross trial analysis based on drugs used and their mechanisms, biomarkers, outcomes and adverse events
  3. Inform your trial design by obtaining information about other trials, their sponsors, design and drugs used

An in-depth view of global clinical trials

  • Detailed entries 
    Each entry provides a protocol report, an outcomes report (where appropriate), and all associated links to drugs (for both interventions and controls) drug classes and actions, companies (sponsors and collaborators), inclusion and exclusion criteria and more.

  • Manually validated outcomes 
    Make decisions with confidence outcomes that have been verified using journals, conference proceedings and press releases.

  • trademark watching

    Site intelligence
    Select the right sites with an integrated perspective that links trial design, patient segmentation, biomarkers, and endpoints with site data

  • Global perspective 
    Evaluate clinical trial data obtained from 19 global sources, including EudraCT (EU), (US), UMN and JapicCTI (Japan), CHiCTR (China), CTRI (India), and TCTR (Thailand)

  • biopharma regulatory solutions

    Easily integrated 
    Access data via an API, data feed or data feed API

540,000+ Clinical trials

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