Reports for business professionals

We deliver custom reports to inform confident IP decisions.

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Examples of patent reports

Here's a sampling of some of the reports we can provide.

Monitor a company’s patent activity

  • Gain insight into the products a company may be developing in the future. Identify its growth sectors. Find out the patents the company actively attacks or defends and how the focus changes over time.
  • Discover the main companies litigating in a particular industry. Understand who is most aggressive in which jurisdiction, the main opponents and how litigation activity in the specific industry has evolved.
  • Gain insights on the company’s success in defending its patents and stopping other companies filing patents. Compare its win rate compare with industry peers.
  • Spot commercial opportunities.

Most litigated IPC classes by a company in a specific industry

NPEs (Non-Practicing Entities)

  • Understand how active NPEs are in a particular sector and in which areas. Find out their success at obtaining favorable outcomes, compensation obtained in court actions and more.

NPEs activities over the year in a particular sector

Industry insights

  • Discover the related patents that remain valid and in which countries. Learn whether a particular patent has been challenged before, on what grounds and where.
  • Identify how litigious a new market or technology is before you make an investment or innovation decision.

Most litigated technologies in a specific region

Potential damages awarded

  • See the damages awarded in a certain country/court for patent infringement. See how often damages have been awarded in certain technology areas.
  • Gain insights on the evolution over time.


Examples of trademark reports

Here's a sampling of trademark reports we provide.

Gain market intelligence

  • Be certain that you have included all risky products and services in your availability search or watch. See how many decisions have stated a similarity between your goods and services.

The most similar products to neckties in a certain country

Monitor a company’s trademark activity

  • Learn about trademarks a company is actively protecting. Find out how important a specific trademark is to the company and if it poses a real threat.
  • Understand the company’s experience in defending its trademarks. Gain insights on the number of cases it has been involved in as defendant or plaintiff and where. Learn how activity has evolved over time.
  • Find out how successful the company is at defending its trademarks and stopping other companies from filing similar trademarks.
  • See the company’s win rate in appeal worldwide or when its trademark was first refused on absolute grounds.

Most asserted trademark of PepsiCo

Assess your overall strengths in the framework of one specific potential conflict

  • Discover an opposition’s chances of success. Find out if the owner of the prior mark usually defends his trademarks and how similar the signs are deemed.

Potential conflict report

Need a custom report?

Darts-ip can produce custom reports on companies, technologies, or on a patent or patent portfolio.

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