Prioritizing drug safety

Implementing toxicity testing best practices in every phase of drug research

In researching and developing new drug therapies, toxicity is critical from the earliest phases of development.

Two factors largely drive the discontinuation of a drug development program, contributing to the low success rate for clinical trials: poor efficacy in humans and adverse events. Findings related to these factors as well as the inherent properties of the drug itself can be used to improve the overall success rates of a drug development program.

In this report, we look at how each step in the drug discovery phase is crucial to improving success rates and explore best practices that could be incorporated into the workflow.

    For successful drug development, we need to start as early as possible. Learn about what needs to be considered during the discovery stage that could impact safety, such as target liability; analysis; drug design, triage and hit; and drug repurposing
    Because safety can vary by person and organ, we also need to identify how we can determine a drug’s potential toxic effects on specific organs and specific patients via toxicogenomics, pharmacogenomics, and pharmacoepigenomics.
    To reach a deeper understanding of toxicity-related mechanisms and the effect of genetic differences, we need to access and process large quantities of experimental data. Learn how this can be achieved with AI and machine learning algorithms.
    The future of economically viable drug development programs that deliver safe and efficacious therapies relies on changing our approach towards toxicology, including a move toward big data and artificial intelligence.