名家博士論文 | 華人諾貝爾獎獲得者博士論文

本篇分享8位華人諾貝爾獎獲得者的博士論文,詳見下表。 這些論文收錄在ProQuest全球博碩士論文資料庫(ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global,簡稱PQDT Global) 資料庫中,讀者可通過該庫查閱、利用這些高品質的博士論文。

姓名 諾獎獎項 博士畢業學校
楊振寧 物理 芝加哥大學
李政道 物理 芝加哥大學
丁肇中 物理 密歇根大學
李遠哲 化學 加州大學伯克利分校
朱棣文 物理 加州大學伯克利分校
崔琦 物理 芝加哥大學
錢永健 化學 劍橋大學
高錕 物理 倫敦大學學院


1. On the Angular Distribution in Nuclear Reactions and Coincidence Measurements

作者:Yang, Chen Ning (楊振寧)

導師:Edward Teller(愛德華·泰勒)

學位授予機構:The University of Chicago



Theorems concerning the general form of the angular distribution of products of nuclear reactions and disintegrations are derived. These theorems are based only on the invariance properties of the physical process under space-rotation and under inversion. The following examples are studied in detail: (i) Angular correlation between the electron and the neutrino in β-decay. (ii) Angular correlation between a β-ray and a γ-ray emitted in succession by a nucleus.( iii) Angular correlation between two γ-rays emitted in succession by a nucleus.


2. Hydrogen Content and Energy-Productive Mechanism of White Dwarfs

作者:Lee, Tsung-Dao(李政道)

導師:Enrico Fermi(恩利克·費米)

學位授予機構:The University of Chicago



The equilibrium states of white dwarf stars of arbitrary mass and chemical composition are discussed. An improved expression for electronic conductivity and free electron density in the intermediate de generate state is derived. It is found that no appreciable amount of hydrogen can exist in any white dwarf star. The upper limit of hydrogen concentration (by weight) in the interior of a star having the mass of the sun is found to be 4 X 10-3 even in the absence of the carbon cycle. The corresponding value for stars of half the mass of the sun is 4.6 X KX3.

Investigations on stability show that a white dwarf star cannot live on the nuclear energy produced in its interior. The alternate mechanism of energy produced in the envelope is discussed. The equilibrium distribution of hydrogen in the envelope is also calculated. From this the observed fact of strong hydrogen lines in the spectrum of white dwarfs is explained.


3. An Investigation of Pion-Proton Interactions at High Energies

作者:Ting, Chao Chung(丁肇中)

導師:Lawrence W. Jones(勞倫斯·鐘斯)、馬丁·佩爾(Martin Lewis Perl)

學位授予機構:University of Michigan



This experiment is a continuation of a series of experiments designed to study the pion-proton interaction at energies above 1.5 Bev/c. The π- – p differential cross section from 1.5 to 2.5 Bev/c was measured with luminescent chambers by Perl, Jones, and Lai, where the π+ + p differential cross section at the same energy range was measured by Cook et al with spark chambers. This experiment was done essentially with the same technique as the π+ p experiment, where spark chamber pictures were taken when certain coplanarity counters were triggered by the outgoing particles.


4. Photoionization of Alkali-metal Vapors

作者:Lee, Yuan-Tseh (李遠哲)

導師:Bruce H. Mahan

學位授予機構:University of California, Berkeley



The vapors of potassium, rubidium, and cesium have been photoionized with light absorbed in the discrete region of the atomic spectrum. The energy threshold for the ionization process has been determined and the ions produced identified by mobility measurements. The data give lower limits for the dissociation.+++ energies of Kg, Rbg and CSg, Each of these molecular ions has a bond energy approximately $0% greater than that of the corresponding neutral molecule. In addition, lower limits for the electron affinities of the alkali atoms and values for the mobilities of 4~ 4-4* Rb, Rbg, Cs and CSg in their present vapor are given.


5. Observation of the Forbidden Magnetic Dipole Transition 62P1/2 72P1/2 in Atomic Thallium

作者:Chu, Steven(朱棣文)

導師:Eugene Commins(尤金·康明斯)

學位授予機構:University of California, Berkeley



This thesis describes a measurement of the 62P1/2 → 72P1/2 forbidden magnetic dipole matrix element in atomic thallium. A pulsed, linearly polarized dye laser tuned to the transition frequency is used to excite the thallium vapor from the 62P1/2 ground state to the excited 72P1/2 excited state. Interference between the magnetic dipole M1 amplitude and a static electric field induced E1 amplitude results in an atomic polarization of the 72P1/2 state, and the subsequent circular polarization of 535 nm fluorescence. The circular polarization is seen to be proportional to ⟨M1⟩ /⟨El⟩ as expected, and measured for several transitions between hyperfine levels of the 62P1/2 and 72P1/2 states. The result is ⟨M1⟩ = -(2.11±0.30)x10-5|e|h/2mc, in agreement with theory.


6. de Haas – van Alphen Effect and Electronic Band Structure of Nickel

作者:Tsui, Daniel Chee(崔琦)

導師:R. W. Stark

學位授予機構:The University of Chicago



We present here a de Haas-van Alphen (DHVA) investigation of nickel utilizing low-frequency field-modulation techniques in magnetic fields extending to 38 kG and at temperatures down to 0. 3\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{}K. Two distinct sets of DHVA-frequency branches were obtained with the magnetic field in either the ($1\overline{1}0$) or the (100) crystallographic symmetry plane. The assignment of these to sheets of the nickel Fermi surface is discussed in terms of the general features of band-structure models recently proposed for ferromagnetic nickel. The low-frequency branches are assigned to the [111]-directed necks of the spin-$\ensuremath{\uparrow}$ $s$-band electron sheet. The high-frequency branches are shown to arise from a $d$-band hole pocket derived from a pure ${X}_{5}$ level in the spin-$\ensuremath{\downarrow}$ band. No evidence was obtained for $d$-band hole pockets derived from the ${X}_{2}\ensuremath{\downarrow}$ and  ${L}_{3}\ensuremath{\downarrow}$ levels. Since the singal-to-noise ratio for detecting the high-frequency branches was large, the fact that we did not observe any DHVA oscillations assignable to either the ${X}_{2}\ensuremath{\ downarrow}$ or ${L}_{3}\ensuremath{\downarrow}$ pockets makes their existence doubtful.

7. The Design and Use of Organic Chemical Tools in Cellular Physiology

作者:Tsien, Roger Y (錢永健)

導師:Richard Adrian

學位授予機構:University of Cambridge



8. Waveguides for millimetric and submillimetric electromagnetic waves

作者:Kao, Charles K(高錕)

導師:Harold Barlow(哈羅德·巴羅)

學位授予機構:University of London




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