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本篇精選10Routledge 出版的關於中東研究專業外文書籍。讀者可通過 Ebook Central 平臺可查閱、利用這些書籍。



The Persian Gulf (RLE Iran A)

《波斯灣 (RLE 伊朗 A)》

作者: Arnold Wilson


This volume records the history of the Persian Gulf from the very earliest records until the 1920s. It records the rise and fall of ancient Empires and discusses the rule of Turks and Arabs. It chronicles the Western maritime nations – the Portuguese, Dutch, French and British – outstrip one another in trade and influence.


The Iran-Iraq War (RLE Iran A)

《兩伊戰爭(RLE 伊朗 A)》

作者: M. S. EL-Azhary


The Iran-Iraq war broke out in September 1980. It brought death and suffering to hundreds of thousands of people on both sides and devastated the economies of both countries. It also increased international tensions by precipitating new alliances and rearrangement of forces in the already turbulent Middle East. The focus of this book is on the historical, economic and political dimensions of the war between Iraq and Iran. It examines many aspects of what proved to be a very complex conflict; including its long history, its present economic and political setting, the different responses to the war by outside parties and its regional and world implications.


EU Foreign Policymaking and the Middle East Conflict : The Europeanization of National Foreign Policy


作者: Patrick Müller


Using the Europeanization concept as framework of analysis, the book examines the problematic dynamics between these Member States’ national foreign-policy models and the construction of a common European conflict-resolution policy. It also provides interesting new insights into the EU’s international role and potential, addressing the often neglected question of how Europeanization effects help to mitigate some of the classical limitations of European foreign policymaking.


The un and the Arab-Israeli Conflict : American Hegemony and un Intervention Since 1947

《聯合國與阿以衝突: 1947 年以來的美國霸權與聯合國干預》

作者:Danilo Di Mauro


This book provides a comprehensive empirical analysis of the United Nations intervention in the Arab-Israeli conflict since 1947. In his structured and exhaustive analysis, the author presents a long term perspective on the UN intervention in the conflict and explains its evolution during the last sixty years. He draws on a wealth of quantitative data to provide a complete picture of resolutions addressed to the Arab-Israeli conflict by the General Assembly and the Security Council, the mediation activity, and the UN peace missions in the area.


Ending Empire in the Middle East : Britain, the United States and Post-War Decolonization, 1945-1973


作者:  Simon C. Smith


This book is a major and wide-ranging re-assessment of Anglo-American relations in the Middle Eastern context. It analyses the process of ending of empire in the Middle East from 1945 to the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Based on original research into both British and American archival sources, it covers all the key events of the period, including the withdrawal from Palestine, the Anglo-American coup against the Musaddiq regime in Iran, the Suez Crisis and its aftermath, the Iraqi and Yemeni revolutions, and the Arab-Israeli conflicts. It demonstrates that, far from experiencing a ‘loss of nerve’ or tamely acquiescing in a transfer of power to the United States, British decision-makers robustly defended their regional interests well into the 1960s and even beyond. It also argues that concept of the ‘special relationship’ impeded the smooth-running of Anglo-American relations in the region by obscuring differences, stymieing clear communication, and practising self-deception on policy-makers on both sides of the Atlantic who assumed a contiguity which all too often failed to exist. With the Middle East at the top of the contemporary international policy agenda, and recent Anglo-American interventions fuelling interest in empire, this is a timely book of importance to all those interested in the contemporary development of the region.


Lebanon : The Politics of a Penetrated Society


作者:Tom Najem


In a time of great political change and unrest in the Middle East, this highly topical text offers a succinct account of the contemporary political environment in Lebanon. Tom Najem provides both a developed understanding of the pre-civil war system and an analysis of how circumstances resulting from the civil war combined with essential pre-war elements to define politics in Lebanon.


The Contemporary Middle East : A Westview Reader


作者:Karl Yambert


The Contemporary Middle East provides an accessible introduction to the region’s most pressing concerns and enduring conflicts. It includes provocative contributions by an impressive array of leading scholars, journalists, and policy advisors. Contributors include notable academic authors Arthur Goldschmidt Jr., the late William L. Cleveland, Shibley Telhami, David W. Lesch, Bernard Reich, and Phebe Marr, complemented by selections from recent general-interest books by Marwan Bishara, Mark Perry, and Eugene Rogan, among others. With twelve new chapters, the third edition is a probing examination of the current affairs of the Middle East. Its multiple readings on strategic pairings of topics (Israel and the Palestinians, Iraq and Iran, Egypt and Syria) illuminate the region’s key issues from a variety of perspectives. Part- and chapter-opening summaries help establish background and context, and a new concluding chapter by Shibley Telhami, written specifically for this volume, candidly addresses fundamental questions about the United States and the Middle East today. Student resources include an annotated table of contents, a select bibliography, a glossary, brief biographies of notable persons, a chronology, and a summary of recent events, in addition to numerous maps.


The Transformation of Egypt (RLE Egypt)

《埃及的轉型(RLE Egypt)》

作者:Mark N. Cooper


Focusing on the upheavals in the Egyptian political and economic structure over the last twenty years, the book explains the change in Egypt’s international orientation through a careful examination of domestic factors. The switch from Nasser’s state socialist-political economy to Sadat’s more laissez-faire approach and the institutional and structural links between the two are analysed as the key to understanding the dynamic developments within Egypt.


Egypt since the Revolution (RLE Egypt)

《革命以來的埃及(RLE Egypt)》

作者:P.J. Vatikiotis


As the leaders of a revolutionary, nationalist regime, the Egyptian Free Officers who came to power following the 1952 Revolution committed themselves to the attainment of goals associated with modernization, namely rapid economic development based on State planning and industrialization and the political mobilization of society along State-decreed lines. Arising from a conference held at the Centre of Middle Eastern Studies at SOAS, with contributions from scholars from the Arab world, Europe and the US as well as the UK, these papers raise the questions most important to students of economic and political development.


Egypt from Nasser to Mubarak (RLE Egypt) : A Flawed Revolution

《埃及從納賽爾到穆巴拉克(RLE Egypt):一場有缺陷的革命》

作者:Anthony McDermott


In this book, the journalist Anthony McDermott examines the development of Egypt from Revolution to the present, describing various features of Egyptian society and the contributions of its leaders. He asks whether Egypt has fulfilled its expected role as the model for Arab and developing countries or whether the peace pact made by Sadat with Israel was a major error, causing Egypt’s withdrawal under Mubarak from the centre of international politics.


Ebook Central 平臺

ProQuest Ebook Central 平臺(簡稱EBC),是一個綜合類的外文電子書平臺,共收錄全球2400多家著名大學出版社、專業出版商、學術出版機構出版的近200萬種電子書,以近年來新出版的圖書為主,並會定期更新電子書資源。EBC 主要內容覆蓋電腦科學、經濟、商業、文學、語言、歷史、藝術、哲學與教育學等全學科領域。涉及50多種語言,覆蓋英語、德語、法語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、阿拉伯語等。


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