

閱讀 2024報告


全球百大創新機構超越了全球 99.99% 的創新者。他們是卓越的典範。


以下企業和研究機構獲選為 2024 全球百大創新機構。

Please note that companies are listed in alphabetical order by default.
Innovator Region/Country Industry Recognition
Bayer Germany Pharmaceuticals
x Winner
Becton Dickinson United States Medical and biotechnology
x Winner
BlackBerry Canada Software, media, fintech
x Winner
BOE Technology China, Mainland Electronics and computing equipment
x Winner
Boehringer Ingelheim Germany Pharmaceuticals
x Winner
Boeing United States Aerospace and defense
x Winner
BorgWarner United States Automotive
x Winner
Bosch Germany Industrial conglomerate
x Winner
Bose United States Electronics and computing equipment
x Winner
Boston Scientific United States Medical and biotechnology
x Winner
Bridgestone Japan Automotive
x Winner
Bristol Myers Squibb United States Pharmaceuticals
x Winner
Broadcom (Previously Avago Technologies) United States Hardware and Electronics
x Winner
Brother Industries Japan Electronics and computing equipment
x Winner
BTD China, Mainland Automotive
x Winner
Canon Japan Electronics and computing equipment
x Winner
Casio Computer Japan Electronics and computing equipment
x Winner




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