The following items represent notable improvements made to the platform and tools in this release, as well as key defect fixes and optimizations. This document also provides information about default configuration values and instructions for configuring each feature. Please note that some features must be activated by your ScholarOne representative to benefit from the new functionality; contact your Client Implementation Manager (CIM) for questions around permission or configurations.

Navigate through the release items via the right-hand tabs

This release contains no DTD changes and no ISO changes.

ScholarOne Abstracts v4.17.2 (September 2020)

Payment Bypass for Authors

Added the ability to flag individual abstracts which would allow them to bypass the required payment for submission.

Action Required

This feature will be disabled by default. To activate, please discuss with your Client Implementation Manager.

  • This will only appear for abstracts linked to a submission role that requires payment.
  • This will also bypass payments if configured for resubmission or open editing.
  • This will only be editable from search results if the abstract is in draft, returned to draft, or open edit draft status. For all other statuses, it will be disabled (grayed out).

Upon checking the box, the admin will receive the pop-up below to confirm the action:

The Date/Time and user who took this action each time the box was either checked/unchecked will be added to the Event Log.

Exporting Files from the Export Tool Based on Date

Added the ability to export files based on a specific date range

Action Required

This feature is available by default.


Detail files can now be exported based on a specific date range of when they were uploaded. If the from and to fields are left blank it will export all files regardless of the date they were uploaded.

Exporting Specific Files from the Export Tool

Added the ability to export specific files from the export tool so you can choose which files you need rather than downloading all files every time.

Action Required

This feature is available by default.

Title Case Rules Displayed in XML and API

Added the ability to display Title Case when exporting data from the export tool or through the API. These rules were based on the APA style guide.

Action Required

This feature will be disabled by default. To activate, please discuss with your Client Implementation Manager.

  • Capitalize the first word of the title/heading
  • Capitalize all “major” words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns) in the title/heading, including the second part of hyphenated major words (e.g., Self-Report not Self-report)
  • Capitalize all words of four letters or more.
  • Enforce lowercase only for “minor” words of three letters or fewer, namely, for conjunctions (words like and, or, nor, and but), articles (the words a, an, and the), and prepositions (words like as, at, by, for, in, of, on, per, and to), as long as they aren’t the first word in a title.

We also added the ability to input a list of words that would ignore the Title Case rules listed above. This list can be accessed under Client Configuration > General Configuration.

Session ID Added to Invitation & Email Grid

We added a column to display the session ID in the Invitation & Email Grid

Action Required

This feature is available by default.


Session ID can now be added as a display column in the Invitation & Email grid.

Host Email Added to Admin Search

Session Host emails have been added as a display item to Admin Search.

Action Required

This feature is available by default.


Withdrawn Abstracts

Withdrawn abstracts that are removed from its session will keep the status of withdrawn.

Action Required

This feature is available by default.

  • This will only account for a true withdrawal and not to an abstract where the session withdraw was used.
  • If the abstract is unwithdrawn it will go back to the status it was before it was put into the session.

Notable Defect Fixes & Functionality Optimizations

Topic Owners
Fixed an issue where topic owners couldn’t edit sessions assigned to their topic.

Event Log
Fixed an issue where the event log showed entries saying the admin edited an abstract, even though they hadn’t.

Export Tool
Fixed an issue where some zip files were running into a 504-gateway time-out error when attempting to download.

Session XML
Fixed an issue were only details linked to the most recent message templates are included in the sessions XML even when the detail was answered.