New WOS September 25th Release Notes

Copy Search Query, MeSH terms thesaurus, SciELO and much more

Share a Search Query

With this update, we introduced a highly requested functionality to WoS; the ability to copy a search query. By selecting Copy query link, you can copy a search query from the search result, search history and advanced search page. Plus, in the search results page, under the more menu of each record, a shareable link to the record page is also available. Please note, it might not work for very complex queries due to the restrictions of the URL size for each browser.

Filter Results by Publisher

Another new feature previously requested that we are introducing in this release is Filter by Publisher. It is added to the refine panel of the search results page for Core Collection only. As all the refine filters, this one is also present in the Analyse results page.


MeSH Terms search-aid (MEDLINE)

We also improved the search capabilities on Medline by introducing a newly redesigned search-aid for MeSH terms (for both Headings and Major Topics). It allows users to create more target searches in an easier way. We believe that currently, it is easier to search Medline on our platform than searching PubMed.

SciELO Citation Index

We are going live with the SciELO Citation Index, a very important database for Latin-American with a vast number of records in Spanish and Portuguese. 8 databases are now supported.



You can now provide us feedback in a quick and easy way, just go to our Resource Center (the big ? on the bottom right-corner) and select Feedback.





Pro tip: To add multiple DOIs, copy a list from excel, or any other place, paste it in the DOI search field and click search; no need to add the boolean OR between values.



Coming soon

  • All Databases
  • KCI- Korean Journal Database
  • Russian Science Citation Index
  • Plain text export

Thank you all for your support and we are looking forward to work together to bring a better WoS to all our users.  

The WoS Product Team