Trends in university-pharma partnerships

Bill Byway
Solutions Specialist
Carolyn Finch
Solutions Specialist
Sonya Andreeva
Solutions Specialist

Universities have long sought partnerships with the pharmaceutical industry to advance their research, but the license-to-the-highest bidder model has yielded high income for only a few institutions, and some have lost money in the pursuit of unfruitful patents and partnerships.

Understanding the research landscape within commercial organizations can help academic centers make smarter partnering decisions to advance healthcare and demonstrate an institution’s potential impact on patient lives.

In this webinar, our life sciences deal expert to dive deeper into partnering activity between academia and pharma, and provide insights on:

  • Patenting hotspots in the academic drug research landscape
  • Partnering activity in institutions around the globe and what might be driving the differences
  • The timing of deal making between academia and drug companies
  • Best practice approaches for aligning academic research to pharma industry needs for maximum impact