SERION Release - May 2019

TM go365TM

Additional Database Coverage for Industrial Designs and Image Searching

  • We have expanded our industrial design coverage on TM go365 by adding Argentina, Benelux, Canada, Mexico, Russian Federation, Spain, and Switzerland.
  • We have expanded our image database coverage on TM go365 by adding China, inclusive of over 9 million Chinese registered and pending logos.


Non-Latin Character Searching for Japanese and Chinese
The ability to search trademarks and owners in native Chinese and Japanese Characters on SAEGIS is now available. The searchable fields ‘Original Trademark’ or ‘Original Owner Name’ allow you to type in Chinese or Japanese text, resulting in a query against the local language, rather than the English transliteration.

Naming Tool on SERION®

Asterisk Mobility Within Initial Seed Term

Upon entering a name(seed), the asterisk can now be placed anywhere next to the seed, allowing you further flexibility in their name generation criteria.

  • using the seed as a prefix – seed* [results will render seed at the end of the name]
  • using the seed as a suffix – *seed [results will render seed at the beginning of the name]
  • using the seed as an infix – *seed* [results will render the seed in the middle of the name]

Full Search

Expanded Inbox Delivery Options
The upload limit for documents in the global inbox within Analysis Tool has been increased to 100MB, up from the previous 10MB, providing an alternative to using ‘Send This File’ to deliver large reports. Access to the SERION Inbox is required.


Enhancements to Mobile App and Social Media Exporting
Screen captures performed under the Drill Down feature are now exportable through reports.

Enhancements to Social Media Notices
The reported Social Media image is now presented as Logo Reported. This makes the image available in Watch on SERION in the Table View, as well as exportable in the Record and Table format exports.

Improved Record Export Report
The ability to add Free Text is now available in the Record Export report.

Get in touch

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