The Latest Fast-Breaking Papers from Essential Science Indicators

Essential Science Indicators from Clarivate Analytics lists Highly Cited Papers, which constitute the top 1% of papers in each of 22 broad fields and each year of coverage. The lists are updated every two months to reflect their current citation counts and also include new papers that enter the top percentile.

Here, we identify Fast-Breaking Papers, a subset of these papers having the largest percentage increase in citations in their respective fields from one bimonthly update to the next. These papers represent very recent scientific contributions that are just beginning to attract the attention of the scientific community.

The following table lists the Fast-Breaking Papers in each the 22 Essential Science Indicators fields for the second bimonthly update of 2018, which was published in July 2018 and covers 1 January 2008 to 30 April 2018.



For full details and citation histories of these papers, see the listings of Highly Cited Papers in the Essential Science Indicators product. If you do not have access to the product, please contact your institution’s library or research office.