Cited Reference searching in Web of Science

The forthcoming Web of Science interface upgrade brings forward several tools of the interface, and make them more visible and accessible to our users.


One of these tools is called Cited Reference search. This feature allows Web of Science users to search the huge amount of cited references Clarivate Analytics has indexed over the past 60 years. These references are at the heart of our mission and are the foundation of the Web of Science citation network. Watch this video and learn how to perform a Cited Reference search.

There are more than one Billion cited references in the Web of Science, and they can ALL be searched with the Cited References Search, whether or not these cited works are indexed in our databases or not.

poison animals

Here are some examples that demonstrate the power of the Cited Reference Search:

Uncover discoveries intellectually related to research that appeared in sources not indexed in the Web of Science:

evolution picture

Discover research inspired by types of materials not indexed in the Web of science:



Uncover citations for researchers works not indexed in the Web of Science


See the power of Cited Reference Searching in action

“In the academic world researchers are always finding different answers, and the state of knowledge is constantly moving forward. That progress is built on the connection of ideas that go back years and sometimes decades in time.”